

[Shel-ee. Things]
1. Wild, Ambitious, Determined, Half-Baked, Passionate & Adventurous, THINGS!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Shelly Thing #74

It's been a while since I have blogged and my fingers for the past couple days have be yearning to type.  

The day of my last posting was a bit of a traumatic day.  As I spread my feelings and Love for the one main man that I miss the most, My dear Aunt Noreen passed away the same day.  Standing across from the room that my father had passed away in 11 years to the day. It's sad to think that I mentioned her in that post and then all the sudden, it was like February 23rd, 2001 all over again.  My aunt Noreen was such a staple in my life and I will miss her dearly.  Spending endless days and nights at her house.  She was my getaway house to take a bath in, since we only had a shower for years. The memories are filling my head like crazy and I love and cherish every single one of them.  I was asked if there was anything that I would want from her, of course I chose her bundt pans.  We had such a connection when it came to food :)  She made the worlds best chocolate cake with those bundt pans and of course and she used to put the right amount of chocolate icing & MnM's thrown across the top.....I am going to miss that cake... She knew how to make a mean cold cut sandwich & Potato Salad as well LOL, I can talk about her food forever ;)  I always knew it was special having a big family when I was a kid, but the fact that death is inevitable never crossed my mind. Until it starts... It's just something in life that we all must endure and it sucks, but there is no changing or stopping it for that matter.  Like I have said in the past, there is nothing you can do but Celebrate the good times, life is short.  So make it worth it! (I should tattoo this lol)  I Love each and every Family member I have and I always will...

Now a little more of what else is going on!

It's Summer time, we breezed through the winter and spring... Photos are great and Cherine and My Cakes have been going wonderful!  Softball is great, our team dynamic is Outstanding :) I am loving every single aspect of my life and nobody is going to stop me from doing what I want ;)  There is nothing else I could ask for! Until the next posting, see ya'll on the flip side! 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Shelly Thing #73

Today, Today... what a day.  11 Years ago today I experienced one of the most traumatic things to ever happen to a young girl... Well one of the most traumatic things to happen to My Family and I.  I can remember that day like it was yesterday.  So many things going on around us.  I remember waking up at my Aunt Noreen's house... The hospital called my mom early that morning. 

Little did we know the night prior was the last time I would ever get to speak to my Dad...  

Sitting in the room, Listening to the mumbles of Silent Prayers from friends and family.  

With all 4 of us holding him, My father Passed away...

My Rock, My Daddy... the figure that I thought would be there for every move in my Future, Was gone.

My Heart Shattered to a million pieces.

It wasn't easy, I still isn't.  I does get better, I promise.  All the times I wish I could have my dad with us. He was taken way too early and I'd do anything to see him again.  Talk to him, Have him meet his grand kids.  Having experiencing something such as this, made me realize all the things in life we take for granted.  Life is short.  Shorter then we all perceive.  Don't forget to tell the ones you Love how you truly feel about them.  I wish I could take back all the times I went out and spend all of those times with my dad... but everything happens for a reason.  I wish I could make a pot of coffee and share it with him.  I wish for a lot of things...  Grab the people you care about and tell them today... You never know, tomorrow they might not be there. 

Today I cheers to the Memories...  Reflect and Remember.

I love you Daddy and Miss you more then anything in this world.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shelly Things #72

Happy New Year Everybody! Happy 2012, Happy Birthday To ME! 

The holidays mean something much different to me, besides the obvious family times that really make it special.  It truly is the end of the year for me.  Christmas, New Years and poof My Birthday January 2nd.  It's the end of an age and the beginning of the new and it's so close to new years so it's kinda cool.  When I was younger I used to want a different Birthday month.. Only because I was nervous that it was so close to Christmas I'd get jipped from gifts, and then we ALWAYS went back to school the day of my birthday from vacation... it was a bummer then.  I know I don't have a special day to look forward to in the middle of the summer but what the Heck, I'll drink to anything.  Happy "It's Thursday and I was on time to work today" is just fine by me.  My Holidays were great and I hope all of you had a wonderful time as well.  If you have a resolution in mind, take small steps and make it happen! Good Luck!