

[Shel-ee. Things]
1. Wild, Ambitious, Determined, Half-Baked, Passionate & Adventurous, THINGS!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shelly Thing #66

Eerie Number for the topic of the post... I think so, You may not... it's 66, and it makes me think of 666...

Well I am just going to graze the topic cause it's just a thought that came across my mind... Generally it's what happens when I post things... maybe I should spit more of them out in a day.  Then again, you may think I'm a complete weirdo lol 

Well today's topic is.     Unhappiness. (see why I thought 66 was eerie... the devil is always unhappy lol)

Stemming back to my post on Expression... again lol   Did you know that when you are unhappy, you express it in some type of way?  I am just going to hone in on the Facial expression and the Action. 

  Facial Expression:  I go into a grocery store, the girl at the checkout counter always looks completely MISERABLE!  That doesn't make for a good visit with the checkout girl... No... I always try to make small talk with them, make em smile or chuckle.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  What that person doesn't realize is, when they have that look of misery on their face, people take notice and it kind of turns the person off.  Now, if you are miserable too.. it may just be a match made in heaven lol (misery loves company) ok ok enough of that.. lol anyway.  No Matter how much I hated my job, I still put a smile on.  But that is just me.  Some people don't realize if you just suck it up, be the best you can be, and smile while doing it,  you wouldn't be so miserable!  Maybe there are other things going on in the background that we don't know about and it could be the reason for the sour puss but you can always make a change.  Now, I'm not standing on a soap box and telling you that I am never unhappy, cause that would be a Bold Face Lie!  I realize that when I am unhappy I have to make a change... sometimes it's not easy- well.. Life isn't easy! Some people will say, "There is NO changing it" well yes, there is.  Which brings me to actions... You act a certain way with your mood.  If you are constantly doing something which results in something else (which causes stress or unhappiness for you and "others") then that means you were Unhappy from the jump!  You may think of a million other reasons to justify the action, but in reality people eventually WILL catch up on it and see how Unhappy you really are.  Sometimes you feel these actions are making you happy... no no no... You are just fueling your unhappiness. (oh man did this one become a blind item as well? Shucks)   There are things that if you actually sat down and thought about it, are a result of your actions.  I'm not going list them, you already know them... Well, hopefully you will figure it out one day.  Why add the stress to your life?  I ask myself that question all the time.... I am learning to slowly not deal with the things that are going to make me unhappy or act in a way that is basically a cry for help.  Till then, a smile is contagious and maybe you should shed some of that happiness to that girl that the checkout counter, maybe it will help her change a couple things in her favor.  Stop and think about all issues you have in your life and see if they are a result of your unhappiness! You may just save yourself and others a lot of heartache!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Shelly Thing #65

So I said that my intention was not to be a writer but sometimes there are just thoughts that you need to get out  of your head.

Everybody has jumped on some sort of social network and spilled their lives guts to the FB world.   I will be the first person to raise my hand and say that I admit to spending entirely too much time on the internet.  I am fascinated by it.  Always have been and always will be. I am a Internet & Computer JUNKIE!   I remember going to a friends house when I was younger just because they were the only one to have AOL. lol  Back then chatting away on AOL with a random stranger was more common.  I always remembered the first line when your IM box popped up... A/S/L?  and then the question followed, do you have a pic?  Back then it seemed impossible unless you had some computer genius at the house, to actually scan your own 35mm picture in.  lol **Technology is Awesome**  It has evolved so much when it comes to people sharing their everyday lives... which brings me down to the meat of this post.  What you share.  You can share your location, pics, videos, articles, blah blah blah, etc, etc, etc... the list goes on!  Most people know what to share and what not to share. I can say that I take full responsibility in all the things I do share, regardless of them being appropriate in your eyes or mine.  I won't deny any pics or words that I post at all.  Which leads me to other discussions we can have about things people leave out there for other people to see.  Be smart, if you don't want anybody to see them, don't post it.  I will tell you this **it may shock you** or you may be the same exact person that I am.  If you are contacting me Via internet, you bet I AM going to Google you!  :)  Plain and simple, I'd like to know who I am dealing with since I didn't meet you in person from the jump.  People seem to be a bit naive when it comes to the internet and being private.  If you are not already aware of what you post on the internet or others close to you do about yourself then you should start to be more aware.  You may be shocked in knowing that there is more out there then you know! This is why some people know more about you then you actually think they do... :) I know a bit more about some people that I'd like to know lol but sometimes when you or your loved ones put these things out there, I can't help but to read on and be entertained... Like I said, I am an internet Junkie...  You post it, I read it! I'll giggle and share it! (if it's worth it) You may think that I am just nosey, I don't care.  It's public information.  Obviously.  I didn't pay a fee to read it or hack something to read it, It was put out there.  In the Open space we are all so addicted to.  So think about some of the things you tell people before you do.  They probably already saw it in a picture that was posted and it's far from the story that you just told.  (did this just become a blind item?) Hmm So I think I may stop ranting for a bit about what I know and what I don't know, but just know that people take notice.  This blog post may have not been all with it and on the same page, but that's just me.  I'm not all "with it" lol I like to rant sometimes... shoot me. lol On that note, Happy Friday! Have a Wonderful Weekend and become Aware! ;)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shelly Thing #64

It's kinda cool when you get to see somebody you know, especially a friend on TV.  Last night I got the pleasure of tasting yummy food, listening to her sweet voice and viewing my friend Lucia Palmieri on Rocco's Dinner Party, on the Bravo channel... Ps.. Rocco Dispirito is a delightful yummy dish on his own *wipes off sweat and shakes head* lol  

     Miss Lucia is an amazing singer, chef and friend and I am so very proud of her!!! She gave us the opportunity to taste everything she made for the show, and I am SHOCKED that she didn't win! It was Amazing!  Sandra Bernhard definitely made my shit list as well.  I mean, is there anything else you could possible complain about?  Anywho... again, I am very proud of her and Kudos to you Lucia for making it as far as you did ;)  I would have been so damn nervous... lol  I look forward to watching any wonderful opportunities you gain from your experience and I also look forward to more yummy food ;)  Here are a couple shots from the show and if you didn't see it, I am pretty sure they will rerun it! Watch it, she really put on a wonderful show! 


P.S... Google Her... she's amazing ;)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Shelly Thing #63

Growing up I remember all the times I wondered, "How did they do that?" then it would be followed by me trying to touch it...

     Gotta get all into it, ya know?  They say that kids touch everything, but I REALLY touched EVERYTHING!  I would circle around, find the most random thing in the place and then plot my way into laying one finger on it.  I may not have picked it up but you bet your ass I placed a finger tip on it... you needed to know how it felt if you were eventually going to try to make it functional, right?? yes... (this is me validating my nosiness) So when I am placed in any situation now a days I get the general feeling that I am going to do it on my own.  I need to usually see things once (maybe twice) and then I can do it from there on out.  So when I do something I always wondered "how the hell??" it's a pretty sweet feeling.  I am very appreciative of all my talents and my independence on making things "happen" but sometimes people say I do to much and then there are others that love everything I do.  This stems back to the saying, "You want it done right? Then DO IT YOURSELF!  I take that route most of the time, except a couple things here and there... I am not below changing my own oil, patching a hole in the wall or even doing the "mans" job. (I bet you I can do better)  ... not tooting, just stating ;)  but I enjoy learning new things and I most definitely enjoy the Satisfaction is brings.  So, most of my friends know the places I excel the most in, well Cooking is one of them.  I have recently discovered a new LOVE for Homemade pasta.... I got over my first experience, which was a definite fun one, but it was straight forward.  Cut Spaghetti... Still really cool though. lol I did a Spaghetti Dance when that first came out... (I dance at everything I accomplish, it's a Shelly Thing)  Yesterday I went home early from work and since I cannot sit still for the life of me, I decided to make Tortellini! Not something the average bear would make for dinner. It's way easier to just make your own sauce and boil some frozen ones but whats the fun in that?? I claim every time I make something new that it's the "Coolest thing I have EVER Made" but this was one of those moments... Now I KNOW HOW THE HELL THEY DID THAT!" It's a butt load of steps but I of course put my dinner guests to work and they enjoyed every last minute (I hope) but they were rewarded with a delightful (fat) meal :)  as I slowly sheeted out and cut circles to fill, I made small talk with my guests and asked "Who doesn't like pasta filled with cheese?"... Who doesn't?  it's a perfect comfort food and it's actually really cool to see come together.  I am happy with everything that I do in Life, and I have to say that this task, really Impressed me... It's like creating something that you thought only a machine could do, but knew in the back of your head, there is some Italian grandmother could do better but yet she's the originator.  Well, I am a grandmother at heart and I won't stop till I can please my guests.  I told you, I am passionate in everything that I do.  Even if it's just my "bounce".  I wonder what the next creation will be, cause nothing will stop me... Any Suggestions?  

Home Made Sauce too ;)

I made that... isn't it cool?? lol

All the Kiddies in the Pool now...
I hope you all enjoy my journey in the Kitchen... it doesn't get any better then this!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shelly Thing #62

Dead Serious
If you can see the world that turns in my mind, you'd be surprised. 

Shelly Thing #61

How YOU make me feel

You make me want to wake up in the morning.

You are the one that keeps me going...

Every time that I get blue, I stop and think of YOU!

We won't ever disagree, cause I know you'll never tease...

we all know you are here just to please..

Thank You.... 

Nice and Silky, Caramel Milky... I just can't get enough of you... 
You light up my eyes, all my sadness dies and it's no damn surprise the delights you hold inside
That plastic cup so strong and lean, who would have thought you and me, would be for...  Eternity. 

Ode to My Macchiato.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shelly Thing #60

Expression is a Passion

My Passion for expression stems out of every instance I have... In every piece of work I do, I always wait for it.

I would say my favorite expression is Satisfaction.

It's like biting into your favorite cookie and remembering the feeling it gives you when you know that it 
Hit. The. Spot.

It was just what you needed. 

Your mind will run in different directions, scrambling to find the right expression your face should displace for that moment.  Remember that when you express certain emotions, your face immediately paints a picture for the other or the mirror to see.... what happens to all the pictures that others don't see? ever wonder who is watching? I sit in my own little world half the time quiet and the other times not so quiet and watch... Surf the smiles, the frowns, the excitement, the shocked & shy faces of strangers and loved ones.  You can almost tell from the Jump how a person is feeling.  They can claim all they want that they don't show emotion and nothing in this world will bother them, but a face will never lie... the muscles in your face have an immediate reaction, even if it's for a split second.  It's almost like the letting the "cat outta the bag"

For my baking, that first bite reaction of the individual is like a line straight to my heart.  The smile of satisfaction warms it, and then the widening...when you have your eyes on the prize makes me smile ;)  My photography on the other hand is more of a search, its one of the main reasons why I like expression.  

The expression makes the picture. 

I generally try to speak with my eyes and figure out the other person that I am dealing with.  I'm pretty spot on with these types of things.  I already know what a person is going to spit out just cause I saw the muscle create the picture already.  Some don't think it's that easy, but to each their own... till then, I will still span the crowd, looking for the best yet.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Shelly Thing #59

Eventually everything will be clear... Till then I'll look to the clouds and daydream :-)